Originally Posted by hightekpimp
Earlier I posted this:
anybody having problems with stero music over bluetooth stereo headphones such as plantronics p590?
Music only comes from one speeaker. when i goto to the properties for this device under the bluetooth settings and disable stero headphones and then reanable them the stero icon at the top of the today screen displays but plays no music at all, no matter what buttons I press on the headset or phone.
Since I have heard no one else complain about stereo over bluetooth with this rom. Am I the only one? I really need to know if its a rom issue so i don't have to downgrade to another rom, to find out. Please help, Colonel or sumone.
Sorry dont have that bt headset. I use motorola h500. dont have any problems with it other than it is sometimes low to whomever i am speaking with. I do need to search for increase speaker or voice command volume and see if thats y. any ideas anybody? By the way arent the bt headsets 1 speaker headset, is yours a pair, guess i will have to look it up. shouldnt be the problem tho.
EDIT: ok i found it. Try using a wired headset like that first to determine what the problem is. Also try it on another phone to make sure its the phn or rom