Re: WiFI help plz...
i too have this issue and i have a thread about it somewhere...
two things i have noticed, the first one is a new revelation...
-first, i traveled to Mexico recently and i was able to connect to wifi in 4 different airports and my hotel room with no problems
-second, i can not connect to my wireless at home no matter how i configure my router. encryption on, or off. different channels, B or G or Mixed.. nothing works, even though every other wireless device i have connects just fine including my 6700. plus this is a brand new router (wrt100 linsys) which replaced my wrt54g linsys which i could NOT connect to as well, which is why i replaced it in the first place. that was a waste of money. i wonder if it linksys router in particular that the mogul has issues with???
also i can connect to wireless at my work only after a soft reset, then if i turn the wifi off then back on it will not connect again until i soft reset OR (and this is the weirdest part) i receive a text message.
i have tried stock ROM and several cooked ROMs all with the same problem. adjusting the power settings does nothing for this issue BTW.
i am hoping the new radio version will affect this in some way but we'll have to wait and see...