Thread: time change?
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Old 06-01-2008, 01:49 AM
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Re: time change?

My understanding of time handiling (based on my recent experience) is that the phone will synchronize to the cell towers (this setting is under settings -> phone -> time synchronization), but the actual time zone (i.e. time stamp of appointments) does not change unless you manually change it in clock settings. As an example, I have a dinner date in NY scheduled for 11 pm EDT (8 pm PDT), but I'm still in LA. If I left LA at 12 pm PDT and arrived in NY at 6pm PDT/9 pm EDT, the phone will sync to the towers so the new time will read 9 pm. However, the appointment will still display as being at 8 pm b/c the phone still thinks I'm in PDT (UTC -8 ), just three hours later. But, if I manually change the time zone, the time will read 9 pm AND the appointment will shift to 11 pm b/c now the phone knows I'm in EDT (UTC -5). So, in order for your appointments to shift, you need to manually change the time zone; if you just want the displayed time to shift, you need to sync to the cell towers.


EDIT: as to WHY one would want appointments to shift as I described, Outlook 2007 allows the creation of appointments based on time zones, so I can create my dinner date above as 11 pm EDT from within Outlook, it syncs to my server, then to my phone, so it then becomes necessary to change time zones. I believe all of these MS products store appointments with UTC time, then display them on the local machine based on the time zone of that machine.

Last edited by sketchy09; 06-01-2008 at 01:56 AM.