Originally Posted by mike20pr
bro do you have htc home installed? to get the weather and everything else on the bottom you must have ultimate launch under the rlhomeplugin and inside ultimate launch htc home, if you already do then the tab is just closed and you need to tap the top edge of ultimate launch for it to appear, the instructions are in the readme file indise the zip so alls well if you follow the steps
Aight… I have followed everything there in the “read me” doc and the weather just does not come up. Instead I have that empty section and when I touch it I get the clock from HTCHome to show up, the same screen that comes up if I didn’t have RL and UL installed. I can tap that clock if I wanted and Clock and Alarms screen shows up. So now I have 2 clocks showing up. When I move that out the way, cause it allows me to slide it to the side and disappear, I know have the words “not activated” in the corners of the lower part of my screen. To paint a better picture, where the weather should be, in each corner of that lower part those words are there in different colors. I do appreciate your help though and hopefully you can help me with this issue.