Re: Titan WM6.1 No2Chem 5067 Kitchen
I recently flashed both me and my brothers sprint 6800s with the 5067 kitchen.. Mine has been fine.. but his has had weird bugs
When he gets a text message, the notification light NEVER comes on... I noticed mine started to do this today.. where if it was sleeping and a msg came through, it wouldnt vibrate until i hit the button to turn the screen on. Been through nueLED and sounds and notifs but i cant figure this one out.
Also, on previous builds (i noticed it was absent from dcd 302 as well) when i typed a name into a new text message, right below vthat suggestions from the contacts would pop up. Now i have to type the whole thing and it shows up on the bottom. Anyone else know what im talkin about or know how to revert back to the old style?