As per my Research there are 2 Method for GPS to get Quicker Fix.
1. Assisted by Network which is SULP we uses GPSMode = 2 or 4 to achieve it, but it require you to be on Sprint Network or your Network should have Assistance Server and you must have Server IP or Port setting to put on LBS Settings in ##data# (Advanced) and also in SULP Registry Settings and if your Operator don't have it you are out of luck.
2. But for all users who dont have onliine Access, or there Operator dont have SULP Support server or they are on Internation Roaming or thee are out of Wireless Coverage SULP may not be working, then QuickGPS would be nice to download the Ephemeris in off line and use it. But as this may Require Proxy GPS Port or Some Drivers to Fine tune the GPS Signals i suspects this kina Drivers are there in Touch or Mogul (I am Waiting for HTC Diamond Registry Dump as it is using eGPS and it also have Latest Version of QuickGPS the there exe don't work at all on Touch but still we can find some Setting which can use Ephemeris Data Downloaded from Network using QuickGPS)
SULP AGPS (For Reference of this Technology go to =
Being we are non Sprint User the Assistance Server will never accept Request from Outer Network so we must have to put the GPS into Autonomous Mode (Self Fixing)
I am using this Setting in SULP (Secure User Plane Client With Extended Ephemeris)
GPSMode = 1 means Autonomous (Self Fix no Assistance Required, Pessimistic Approach, Very Slow but Very Accurate)
GPSMode = 2 means Assisted by Server (Less Optimistic, Somewhat Slow but Medium Accuracy Quality)
GPSMode = 4 means Assisted by Server with Extended Ephemeris (Very Optimistic, But Sometime we loose Accuracy Quality)
EnableAGPS = 1 Means Enabled AGPS and 0 Disables it
EnableGPSSmartMode = 1 Save Downloaded Ephemeris Data and also Send it Assitance Server to Update / Fine Tune Extended Ephemeris Data on Server (Require Internet Connection), 0 Zero Desables this Feature
Ephemeris Data = To get Self Fix the Device must know the Position of Satelite in sky, which is called as Ephemeris Data, This is Combined Database which have there Altitude, Latitude, Longitude so the Phone , GPS Device don't have to wait to get Satellites Position from Frequent Satellite Self Position Broadcast by Air
QuickGPS (Somewhat lie this =
I was researching a Fujitsu Device which uses QuickGPS uses a Proxy Com Port 8 (Software Port) and put Hardware Port to Com4 with 57000 as Baud rate, now when GPS Software access Com8 which uses xtra.bin type file and fine tune the GPS Signals which it gets from Com4, means there is some Proxy Software (Proxy Gate) which Encapsulate Com4 Singal and Fine Tune it using Ephemeris Data it gets from QuickGPS,
I never got that Kinda Settings in our Touch or Mogul
Attached is the Provxml file from Fujitsu loox Device which Definately Sets proxy Software to fine tune GPS Signals with Help of Ephemeris Data, Here We should note Thats
SULP has nothing to do with QuickGPS Sprint Relies on SULP and uses Server Based Assistance and not this Kinda Assistance