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Old 05-30-2008, 10:12 PM
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Re: Hard Reset Question

Originally Posted by mkosirog View Post
So in preperation to flash my phone I figured its no harm if i try out the hard reset ... so i know waht i am in for.

Push Power + Camera Butten and hit the reset with the stylus.

Reset and I end up in a tri color screen that shows me version 0.34 and some other crap and thats it. This is where it stays.

Once i hit a soft reset from there i am back were I was in the begining with all my stuff and my working phone ???

Now to my question. I ran the vouge_unlocker_mfg_2.31 once till it warns you on screen (pc screen) that this is the point of no return bla bla bla ..
At this point i decided to maybe read some more before really attempting the flash

Is that why i cant cold reset the system anymore or am i doing something wrong.
To hard-set you have to push and hold the send and end phone buttons at the same time and while holding them press the soft-reset button with the stylus. I hope this answers your question. You should always hard-reset before flashing a new rom.
I also recommend using Sprite backup if you like your current customized ROM but want to try others, as you are able to fully restore it to its current state prior to reflashing.
Bell HTC Touch - BT Headset Genius BT-03A

Last edited by diggs_r; 05-30-2008 at 10:18 PM.