Originally Posted by Soul_Est
I apologize for I did not foresee this annoying problem. As I posted this morning before I went to bed, I decided to go with Rack.111 as my webhost. This was due to the fact that they offered 25GB of storage and 250GB of data transfer. As it turned out I can't upload anything larger than 15MB. I then signed up with Zymic after reading in the forums that they supported zip files and then found out afterward that I can't upload anything larger than 25MB (and improvement to be sure). So now I have two 'free' webhosts, and a big need for hosting my files. One option I have is hosting the repository on the webspace my friend has. With a total of 1.6TB of available space and unlimited data transfer per month, its to quote him directly, "overkill". Another option is to go with a file hosting site or sign up for a online storage solution such as ADrive and 'publish' the ROMs and have a nueUpdate config.xml setup on one of the two webhosts along with a website in front in order to cover up my intentions. I'd like to see your thoughts on this.
I'm fairly certain that you could setup your own folder on the FTP site here at PPCGeeks and then use their storage and bandwidth to host and serve the files.
Under QLINKS, select FTP Deletes/Folders and then navigate to Vogue - Users and create your folder right there.
Best regards,