Originally Posted by Sogarth
Originally Posted by Half Decaf
How do you "turn off" an app in the ROM ?
I think Wisebar is interfering with my Wisbar Advanced proggie from running.
It depends on an application-by-application basis. With some applications, you can go into its settings and turn it off so that it doesn't start. With others, you'll need to use a file explorer to go to \Windows\StartUp, and delete the shortcut that starts it on bootup.
Thank you for the kind response. After I posted my question and going through the remainder of the 21 pages of the thread, I saw that this same question had already been asked and answered a few times. You guys demonstrate a great deal of patience in this community.
OK, well, enough of the sucking up to the experts :P ...I've got another question for you all!
The custom ROM seems to be working very well for me, however, I am not sure I have run all of the patches necessary. After installing the sar_AKU3.5+_pr4, as shown on page 1, I then installed the sar_AKU3.5+_pr4_sp1.cab file. I didn't install the pr2, or pr3 patches, because the instructions on page 1 said "Currently all fixes are in the sp1 cab." Was my interpretation of that statement correct, or should I go back and install the pr2 and pr3 patches ?
Thanks for the help.