Originally Posted by NewMTJGuy
I purchased the Mugen 2400mAh battery with door from Nakedcellphone on Ebay. The battery and door fit my xv6900 perfectly and the battery life is outstanding. I have to charge the battery once a week and that's with the phone being used with a bluetooth headset, jawbone (also hightly recommend), some internet surfing and daily cell use. Although, if I turn on GPS the battery seems to drain rather quickly compared to normal use.
Good to hear .. I am thinking of getting the Seido 2000mAh for $50 instead, the Mugeon Power is a good brand and I hear better reviews than seido and of course 2400mAh is the most power out right now.
So i'm sure you love it now
Originally Posted by Moekind
been messing around with the phone for a little while now, the battery just doesnt wanna die lol
you got the $11.99 one ?