Originally Posted by mpenguin14
I don't know if anyone has posted this or not, so sorry if it is common knowledge.
I was using sprint tv on my mogul this afternoon and found a way to change the volume while watching a clip. Click the "Up" button on the D pad to increase the volume "Down" to decrease it.
Is this common knowledge?
I just did some testing
0. I checked the reg key HKLM/Software/SprintTV/Volume, it was set to 100
1. I started SprintTV
2. I decreased the volume with the physical Dpad button all the way
3. i closed SprintTV
4. checked the volume reg key again, it was set to 0 this time
5. Started SprintTV increased the volume to a midrange with the dpad
6. Stopped SprintTV
7. checked reg key, it was 60 this time
So it looks like using the physical Dpad button while watching SprintTV increases/decreases your volume and modifies the volume registry entry
I hope this is helpful for someone
I was watching SprintTV this morning and the volume controls seemed reversed, the "Down" button on the Dpad was what mde the volume increase, I think it has to do with the direction that the screen is facing... Either way, consistently the big round Dpad button in the bottom middle of the Mogul will change the volume while watching SprintTV for me
Can anyone confirm this?
I tried this today and the up/down "dpad" did not change my volume. My phones volume settings were set to the highest level (i do not have a registry editor). I did try the left/right arrows on the "dpad" and that did make the volume louder. It did not change my overall volume settings on the phone.
For those that dont understand the "dpad" im using... its the arrows on the keyboard... just want to throw that our because someone is gonna ask.