Originally Posted by tradegames45.com
What's up everybody? I have been contemplating flashing to a custom rom, but have not had the balls to do it? I read in the different threads about people bricking their phones and have not had the courage to try it? So is anybody here from Indianapolis, IN and willing to meet up with me so I can see a custome flash up close? Then could someone walk me through the steps of flashing in person? I read all the forums on flashing, but just don't want to risk bricking my phone. So if one of you pros from Indianapolis, IN would meet up with me and help I would gladly throw you a couple of dollars.
Thanks for the help
well you get a free thanks since i clicked the wrong button
anyways flashing a rom is super easy and super safe these days... its pretty hard to brick a phone anymore and with all the stuff that the great developers have come up with, they have pretty much found a way to dig you out of any ditch you can possibly put yourself in...
shoot me an AIM or something later and i can walk you through it shouldnt take but half hour... ive flashed a few phones in my day