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Old 05-26-2008, 09:10 PM
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Re: Damaged mini USB port

Originally Posted by superman1101 View Post
actually now that i remember you can do a phone swap and get insurance on it...i remember because i got my touch from someone and simply replaced my old phone so my insurance transfered..i believe that if you do a swap you have a couple of days to get insurance on you might be able to get someone with a sprint account to do a swap with you and then simply swap it back to your account and add insurance... im not completly sure if it works or not and the process will probably take a long time, has anyone else tried it?
hmmmm sounds interesting... though I doubt it' possible... if it could be done I could easily do it through my girlfriend I find it highly unlikely...

and about the $4 insurance... well I didn't get it because before the touch I had a motorola v300 (through t-mo) not as functional but STILL cost me around that much ($250) and had gotten the insurance on it, used it once after a year and had already paid like 60 dollars and they still charged a deductible, so the replacement ended up costing me more than 100 bucks! (might as well had gotten a new phone!) but I how it is with insurance, it's the last thing you want... to actually USE it! lol The other reason I didn't get it was because I'm on the SERO plan and was paying $30 so I wanted to keep it low and if I got insurance it would drive it up, *sort of* defeating the purpose of the SERO plan.

I am also really careful with my phone and have never had it stolen or dropped any of my previous ones into the toliet or anything, figured the touch would not be the exception. Actually, if it wasn't for the mini USB thing it'd be in great shape... lol I guess that's where it would have came in handy!

Anyway, I think I'll stick with the ALL BLUETOOTH solution for now... I will take it to the sprint store to see if it can be serviced for *under* 50 bucks, if it's anything more than that there really is no point in getting fixed since I can buy a good pair of bluetooth phones for about that much... any other advantage to having the mini usb port? (if there is I wouldn't know of it since I only used it to sync my contacts once, copy files into sotrage card [can get a reader] and for the usual tethering, all of which can be done via bluetooth.

Thanks for your replies guys!
