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Old 05-24-2008, 02:11 AM
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Re: just put my vogue through the wash, how's the titan?

"the fact tht you think that the responsiveness with an on screen keyboard cant compare to a hardware one also shows that you have no clue on what your talking about because the touch DEF has no kind of laggin whatsoever"

Its not about lag, its about the press actually happening in the first place. I noticed when it comes to using on screen keyboards that unless you're really careful how much pressure is applied when you press down, you risk not even pressing the key in the first place. With a hardware keyboard there is no doubt, you either press it or you dont. And you can type zippy quick without ever making one of these mistakes, and sometimes without even looking at the screen.

And im sorry but responsiveness on a ppc is over rated. Sure... I love when my device flies and gives me the impression things are moving "fast" but it doesnt do anything for my actual productivity. Atm the only thing 128 ram would do for me is make me "feel better". or open up the potential for more complex apps in the future. atm no such apps exist that I am aware of, and by the time they come out, I will be using a raphael anyway.

Both devices were out when I got my ppc. I considered my options and opted for mogul.

Last edited by Solitaryman; 05-24-2008 at 02:17 AM.
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