The easy way to make ringtones is over the internet i use its free and easy to do. Now all you have to do is go to this site and you will see the player hit the upload button when the menu pops up just pick a song you have on your computer click open and it will upload. When upload finishes you can play the song pause where you want to trim the song you will see a green and black arrow place the green arrow where you what to begin black is for where you want it to end (i keep mine under 20 sec. for incoming calls and 5 sec. for text about 10 to 15 sec for missed calls and voice mails and 5 sec for emails. Once you do this hit make ringtone button you have 3 ways to get the ring tone to your phone if you have push mail on your phone use the email option just put in your email address hit send it will go too your email. When it hits your phone hit the attachment it will download then what i do is hold the attached file (after it downloads) you will see SAVE AS hit that then you can rename and tell it where to save the file. I have the Touch and this is the easy way of doing getting ringtones to my phone. Now if you want to use ringtones for emails and vice mails you have to put files in the sounds folder. Now when you go to notifications on your phone you can set these tones for emails and text and incoming missed calls and voice mail. Just remember for emails and text also voice mail you have to put the ringtones in the sound folder on your phone all others in the ringtones folder. Thats it fast and easy. If anybody wants me to make some for them tell me what songs you want or send them to me and i will make them for you. My peoples love the way I make them and they say it starts off the way they should and end the right way. Hit me up if you like just make sure you if you send me an email put in the subject PPCGEEKS need help or soemthing like that as long as PPCGEEKS is in there we are good. Hope this helps don't know about getting each contact there own ringtone for text.