Saridnour - I don't understand how you can remove this hack and still use VC on button 5? Without this hack, button 5 will only do notes and record. The hack is what allows you to assign button 5 to VC (or whatever else).
Does it work properly if you put in this hack but assign VC to a button other than #5?
If so, that may be the workaround. Just swap the functions of buttons 4 & 5 or something (since both buttons have press & press + hold functions).
Edit: Also (not that I think that it will help with this issue but) instead of putting in the path to rundll32.exe, you may want to just leave the path data blank--that seems to work fine to restore button 5 access without the need to actually link it to an executable. A user on another forum figured that out. I have been meaning to update the main post here and the cab file. I will do that now.