Originally Posted by Old_Man_Jenkins
I'm gonna have to looked into this further.....I tested this by cooking a rom and including numerous regedits into mxipupdate_oemoperators_101.provxml, now the regedits do get written during flash, but post-flash I changed showtitlebar to 0, soft reset, and it stayed @ 0.....based on what mr.geoff said, I was under the impression that provxml files were executed on soft reset???
are you referring to the diamond keyboard? if so, I thought about it, but I noticed when I installed the diamond keyboard via cab that it replaced the touch keyboard.....so I figured it would be best to let ppl install it post flash....UC?
well 6.1 has been out for some time now.....but have u tried on another rom that was based on the new sprint leaked rom? just trying to determine if it is a conflict w/ this new sprint leaked rom....
not just the diamond keyboard ther is also the dimaond comm manager, strteaming media player 3.0 , random access newerbuild , an htc new build task manger and i think they are working on the diamond dial pad over on xda developers so it would be nice if you do decide to make a custome diamond like rom for us poor vogue user!