worked for me like a dream!! Ive been looking for ways to have as much RAM as possible with as much Programs as possible (too much to ask in some views) in my Mogul, and i found a simple way that blew me away, I was messing with SK Tools last night and was browsing by the ''Optimize'' section and in ''action'' menu you can choose to automatically ''optimize for memory'' efficiency... did that, soft reset via ShutXp and BINGO!!! Im getting 24 megs after soft reset and 22-23 normal use with somewhat thirty applications installed..!! sweet!!! I believe that setting for memory might reduce performance (theoretically) but running a quick responsive WM6.1, and Overclocking to 624Mhz with HTC performance, I never noticed any difference so im golden... try it out and see if you also get a RAM boost
attached is tha application to make this happen