Re: BB8330 or Touch
I have a Touch and a BB 8800. The 8800 is infinitely more stable than WinMo, a magnitude faster and much easier to use. I bother hanging onto the Touch for three reasons. 1) The BB is on Vodafone and roams on Cingular which means any call I make is an international call. 2) BB data plans are generally more expensive than for WinMo and 3) There's no Slingplayer for BB yet. I figure about 10 minutes after Slingplayer for BB is available, the Touch will be in the trash and that will be the end of that for WinMo and HTC junk for me. Oh....and I've had a fulling working, flawless GPS with a mapping app in the BB for well over a year. I don't know if Sprint cripples the BB as much as they do everything else.