Originally Posted by fredcatsmommy
get back into your registry editor and go to HKCR and do a search for operaL. change all back to iexplore (except for what pertains specifically to opera). the ones I ended up changing included .htm, .html, file, ftp, http, https, icoimage, xhtmlfile -- both under DefaultIcon and Shell/Open/Command. Weather watcher now opens in PIE for me.
No, UGH, double UGH!
I spent quite a bit of time, editing all those registry entries. FINALLY got Weather Watcher working again, as you say...
BUT, then I ran Opera 9.5 again, and YIKES, it fscking rewrote all those entries back... i.e. it is re-establishing itself as THE handler for HTML, etc. ON THE FLY, not just during install...
Sorry, it has got to go... what kind of stupid idea is that... rather presumptious of it...