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Old 05-22-2008, 11:04 AM
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Re: Introducing MacFlo & MacFlo Big Button!

Originally Posted by Musicman247 View Post
It is possible, but you'd have to do it through Registry edits and file changes.

First of all, copy CustAPLauncher.exe in your Windows folder and paste it as CustAPLauncher4.exe

In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Biotouch\Biotouch change:

TotalCubes to 6

Add a String Value App6 with a value "APLauncher \Windows\CustAPLauncher4.exe"

Copy the value for Cube1 and create a Binary value called Cube6. Paste the value from Cube1 into Cube6

In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Biotouch create:

Create a Key "CustAPLauncher4"

In that key create a String value "Background" with a valid BRN path, and Keys App0 - App8

In each of those Keys create:

DWord - Height
String - IconPath
String - IconPressPath
String - Name
String - Param
String - Path
DWord - Type
DWord - Width
DWord - xPos
DWord - yPos

Fill in those Values based on the other App values

Soft reset and that should do it.
thanks MM. After posting the question I found your thread on CDMA-How-to: Cube edits, etc. with the how to on adding sides. Between those instructions and this step by step, I can't go wrong. Much appreciated!!