Originally Posted by mswlogo
This is all so stupid it isn't even funny.
All this will do, is in the future make it more difficult to get updates, poke around, more paper work to sign that they are not liable.
Bye Bye Leaked ROM's.
HTC can do what ever they want. Did they promise new Video drivers when you bought it.
i dont think you actually have any idea what your talking about. Leaked roms might actually be introduced ON PURPOSE! just like leaked info on phones to drive buzz in the market that will pay the premiums. Why not introduce these roms to people who understand that it isnt a full release and expect no support or stability. they can monitor the forums, and enjoy free widespread beta testing. you have no idea what "this" will actually do.
All that notwithstanding this statement is also, not just inaccurate, but plain wrong:
Originally Posted by mswlogo
HTC can do what ever they want. Did they promise new Video drivers when you bought it.
HTC told their customers they were getting the msm7500 chipset. the msm7500 chipset has the ati graphics card integrated, its not optional like the wifi module. Hey how are you to assume because the chipset has the hardware built in, and the device was advertised with "3d graphics" that an INTEGRAL part of the chipset would be PURPOSEFULLY DISABLED. And lets be frank here, it is DISABLED, why would a company(qualcomm, in this case) release a chipset without the drivers.
plainly it was because they wanted to release a future device on the cheap with the only change being the drivers a la the touch cruise.
So if you baught a v8 car, and found out 2 months later that it actually has, and only will run on 4 cylinders would you just bend over and say "hey, just cause they advertised 8 cylinders doesnt mean that combustion actually has to happen in all 8" That is exactly what happened to EVERYONE, not just the people who know.
heres a demo ive seen a few times: