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Old 05-21-2008, 01:26 AM
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Re: Unlocker 2.31 and windows 6.0 ROM or downgrade radio?

Soo got it by myself finally. Just dl'd the .40 unlocker (for the 5th time), loaded it, and loaded the stock sprint rom, and it worked finally, used to just go into .36 CoKe and revert back to 2.31. And now i'm good to go!

(Warning: I know my methods aren't suggested as it is likely to cause you to have a $400 brick, so I will echo the suggestion, buut it still worked for me)
If someone (like me) helps you out, press !! only takes a second... !

Mogul -> Vogue -> TP -> TP2 -> Snap -> Evo -> 3D
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