Originally Posted by pavetim
Ok I got it loaded but how would i make positve that it is loaded? I said it went through but before I flash i want to make sure. And after I flash hardspl do I have to keep the file on the phone
You need to remove your sd card from the phone and enter the bootloader screen (tri-color screen) to do this hold down the power and camera button and put the stylis in the reset hole like you would to perform a soft rest. Keep holding the power and camera buttons until you see the tri-color screen (usually 1-2 seconds). Then up top you should see what spl you have loaded i.e. mine says:
Note: You only need to flash hardSPL once and you are good to flash any ROM you want. JumpSPL is only needed for hardSPL not for flashing ROM's
After you hardSPL your device, I found the best way to flash is from the sd card. To do this place the .nbh you want to flash on the root of the sd card and rename it "KAISIMG.nbh" without quotes. Make sure the card is in the phone and enter the tri-color screen by the method above. After you do that follow the on screen instructions and soft reset once it says it is completed.