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Old 05-20-2008, 09:41 PM
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Re: HTC Home Plugin: Email button no longer linked to email inbox.

Originally Posted by exi View Post
This is a common problem, best I can tell from my attempts at Google witchery to find a solution.

When pressing the left-most (email) button on my Touch, I am taken to the text messages inbox in the same way that pressing the text message button on the home screen would take me there.

Has anyone got a fix for this? It was not always like that, but I don't remember what it was that I did - if anything - right before this started happening.

hmmmm.... i must be missing something because i have the same issue......but have found a simple fix.

so, you go to open your email by selecting the icon on the left for your email.... from the htc home screen.....

but it takes you to .....text messaging inbox.....

when this happens, i slide to the left or right (which ever gets you there) from the text message inbox so that my email inbox is close out of the email inbox and (i have the option selected in windows that when i hit the x, it closes the program, not leave it running)

now try reopening the email inbox (using that same icon from htc home)........
this has worked for me. for me at least it seems windows will tie the icon you selected to showing it in its last if by accident opened your email inbox by the email icon, but slide it to the text inbox before closing, next time you used that icon, it would take you to where you last the text inbox vs email.

so i have a nasty habbit of opening email....sliding the screen left or right to go to my text inbox,,,,i just have to rember to slide back prior to closing out the inbox

hope this works for you.