Originally Posted by kcaegis45
I have a new replacement Touch (insurance) that I didn't activite yet but after playing with it for two weeks (programing, reg changes, etc) all of a sudden there is a voicemail icon ( a speaker on top of an envelope) on top. I tried calling my number but it say the phone isn't activite yet. I don't know how it got there. Is there a way to delete the icon? I don't want to activite the phone. I just want to delete the voicemail icon. I tried a soft reset but to no avail.
Any suggestions? Thanks
You can try this:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\System\State\Messages\vmail\Line 1\Unread:Count=1
change to 0
Hard Reset.
Sometimes an old phone programmed with a number will still receive some data notifications from the old number.
open phone dialer, Menu -> options -> Services Tab -> voicemail
click get settings, then 'clear'...
edit:if you don't see that page: