Re: Is the 6800 w/new ROM better than 6700 w/new ROM? see specific questions.
6800 is much better. It's so nice having GPS built into the device that actually works... My old bluetooth GPS will now collect dust permanently. Also, the screen is much brighter, and at the off setting, it still is visible which is very nice. also the screen seems crisper.
iGuidance 4.0 does street by street and it works great on my 6800.
the memory card seems to "lock" in better, i always had problems with my mini to micro sd card "getting recognized" by the system.
The battery life is amazing. Also the battery is measured by 1% increments, not 10% anymore.
I thought I'd miss my 6700 but its only been 2 weeks and I will never look back.
I did the sprint 50 insurance upgrade too btw. they seem to be giving them away because my girl and my buddy did the same thing.
oh last thing. the stylus is much nicer, it telescopes in and out and fits very snug in the device. I think HTC learned a lot of lessons with the 6700 stylus.
did I mention it has GPS?