Here's screen shot of some directory structure for the "out-dated" kitchen I'm using and where this creates a .cer and the template created on my vista machine. Here is what I'm running in to....
1. No matter where I tell it to create the template, it uses the directory where I run OEMSplitterXMLBased.exe from...
2. I've got it pointed to the kitchen root, it creates your ..\splitoem\oem directory, but all it does is creates a certificate oem.cer.
3. I tried to point it to kitchen\oem , couldn't find kitchen\oem\oem. and crashes if it isn't of kitchen structure. Maybe a "id-10-t" warning on this!
edit: I deleted the kitchen\splitoem directory, and now have no directory made.(had to regenerate template for it to create the directory)...the certificate was copied from kitchen\oem