Using Orb streaming with TCPMP at WM 6.1 Touch?
finally made up my decision and started to set Orb up with my Windows Mobile 6.1 enabled Sprint Touch PDA phone. First of all, I did read the 10 FAQ but did not find the exact answer to my question.
1. Which TCP/UDP port does Orb 2.0 use on PC? I only find one setting that is close to this in "configuration" option. It shows port 80 for windows media streaming and port 546 or sth for RM streaming. I thought 80 port is one of the easiest ports to attach so I changed these two ports to some other random numbers and did a port forwarding set up in my linksys router. But anyway, both original and modified setting is kinda working on my phone. However, I still want an exact answer to this question and whether or not I need open the ports in Win Xp plus the router.
2. I used the software TCPMP on my phone to do the streaming. But I got tons of buffering about 10s a time when trying to play a video through Sprint's network. My speed is 560k to 830k according to the website when I logged in from the cell phone. And I set the pre-load buffer size to 7200kb and buffer percentage of 15%, but it seemed not to have much improvements. Does anyone have experience with the software? I need an optimized setting to reduce the buffering time.