Re: 6700 battery life question
Well yeah, why would i leave both WiFi and BT and Phone on all the time. This is the same as running my Dodge Ram with its modded HEMI down the roadway doing 90 and wondering why it uses so much gas. BT I can kinda understand but would would u need to leave WiFi turned on knowing good and well you never use it unless you are in a certain spot and if you are then you arent on for hours at a time and IF you are then you already know to carry a charger in the building or car.
Being for real about it, do a poll and see how many people run thier 67/6800 wide open all day with all BT/WiFi/Phone running. You wont find many and it isnt because of a battery drainage issue. Its a (non)usage issue.
Loving my rooted Droid X