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Old 05-19-2008, 10:13 AM
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Re: I would like your input on this...

Originally Posted by soccerman821 View Post
It's a really good idea and i'm glad other cookers have done it this way.. but my only thing against it is that i always have to search high and low for all the *.cab's i want to install and once i finally get it all set... like last time something went wrong and i went into a constant reset or the fact that there is a new update every 5 days... i'm not blaming anyone .. simply wondering if there is a better way to do this... maybe have a cab sticky with all the latest cabs or sumthing.. at least it will make the search a lil less tedious.

this might just be me..and i guess im too picky with what is on the full ones.. which is why i have cooked my own lately but i miss a lot of the tweaks and things that the experts here know
I do agree with you on the cabs since I ended up with my perfect setup (along with having to install new programs every few days), then I installed Opera Mobile 9.5 Beta (The PIE Killer) and had to hard reset since I didn't know the values under which keys in the registry Opera changed. I hope a lot more software developers and ROM chefs adopt AppToDate as this could potentially cut down on the time needed to search for the cabs. Just grab a master xml file off a webserver edit it to include the programs you want and let AppToDate do the work for you when it comes to downloading and installing programs. I guess a 'COMPLETE' ROM would be like Vista Ultimate and I definitely wouldn't want to have slowing down other users Vogues.

Originally Posted by stealth-twinturbo View Post
Whatever you do please make sure that you make reg edits so the touch will run faster, no matter what rom i have i feel like the touch is under powered and laggy, its just not smooth enough for me. I am looking for a stable rom that will run fast and some of the rom's use to much memory and slow the touch down only leavin 56 mb of free ram and under 60 mb of free ram the touch gets really slow to me. Reg edits to make run faster and reg edits to increase internet speeds.
I definitely will stealth-twinturbo. That's why I'm producing the RL ROM first to help me figure out what registry values I need to change under which keys in order to get blazing performance. All I know know is that changes to the OOM values for more memory is a bad idea. But you can expect the pagepool to be 32mb along with tweaks to the filesystem cache and glyphcache and much more can I'm going to list right now.

Originally Posted by boggsie View Post
There seem to be quite a few people who could do without the entire PPCKitchen. The suggestion I made, would cater to their (individual) needs, in that a ton of CABs would be built into the actual RUU_signed.nbh file and on first boot, Tier Autoinstall would fire up and list all of those CABs. Then, the user could select only the programs that they wanted.

Of course, this isn't my project, but I think the idea has merit, too. Unfortunately, because it would (potentially) contain so many CABs, the RUU_signed.nbh file would be H-U-G-E.

Best regards,
That is also true which is why I would like to setup some sort of package manager to do the work. If I'm not mistaken AppToDate can do the work of downloading, and installing the programs while WM's own Remove Programs can take care of removing them. All we would need now is a way to download master xml files as well as select which programs should or should not be installed but not have it in a very long list which I believe would be quite traumatizing to certain users. Also if I'm not mistaken Tier's Autoinstall should work with cab fils on the storage card too which would mean a very lean but very customizable OS. If we could have AppTodate or the GPM (Graphical Package Manager) run before (should the master xml file have been OEM'ed) or after the Autoinstall (should you want a custom set of programs to show up due to a custom master xml), then I believe a lot of the problems with finding cabs for installing just after installing the OS could be negated. Or someone could package similarly themed program's cabs into different directories inside of a rar file which can be extracted onto their storage card for Autoinstall to look up and install after the OS installation.

Tell you all the truth, I wasn't expecting the kind of reponse I'm now getting. Thank you all so much for your input. I'll definitely do what I can to make the fastest, stable and above all else most customizable ROMs I possibly can. For now I better finish my homework.
HTC Touch Vogue (TELUS)
ROM: Bell 3.09.666.1 (Build: 19208.1.0.1)
Radio: 3.42.50

Various tweaks and programs found on XDA-Developers, PPCGeeks, MoDaCo, and WinMo-Experts forums.

Thank you to all the experts who enlighten us on the ways of enhancing our phones beyond the norm.

Last edited by Soul_Est; 05-19-2008 at 06:14 PM.
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