Originally Posted by Alwaysbelieve1
Originally Posted by luv2chill
Originally Posted by Alwaysbelieve1
Originally Posted by luv2chill
Maybe your dial plan has them included. I have been charged for sending and receiving them.
I just have unlimited text and unlimited data. Whatever I get with that.
Ewww no! I do have a lot of concessions. I pay $73 bux a month for 2 lines that both have unlimited text, mine with unlimited data, 6pm nights/wknds, insurance(both of them, roadside, 1500 shared minutes, and i think a couple more things.
I have discounts for work and another loyalty as well as my threat to cancel got me a whole butt-load of concessions. That's the way to go!
Join the club son. Discounts as well as manipulating retention. Used to work at the call center as a supervisor, so I knew what i could get away with. I might be the only person on here with no contract, this phone and a hell of a good plan. $50 1000 mins, free nights and weekend, first incoming min free, ERP/TEP, roadside, unlimited text and vision. After discounts and all, it comes to $65 with taxes included