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Old 05-19-2008, 08:11 AM
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Re: I would like your input on this...

Originally Posted by soccerman821 View Post
It's a really good idea and i'm glad other cookers have done it this way.. but my only thing against it is that i always have to search high and low for all the *.cab's i want to install and once i finally get it all set... like last time something went wrong and i went into a constant reset or the fact that there is a new update every 5 days... i'm not blaming anyone .. simply wondering if there is a better way to do this... maybe have a cab sticky with all the latest cabs or sumthing.. at least it will make the search a lil less tedious.

this might just be me..and i guess im too picky with what is on the full ones.. which is why i have cooked my own lately but i miss a lot of the tweaks and things that the experts here know
There seem to be quite a few people who could do without the entire PPCKitchen. The suggestion I made, would cater to their (individual) needs, in that a ton of CABs would be built into the actual RUU_signed.nbh file and on first boot, Tier Autoinstall would fire up and list all of those CABs. Then, the user could select only the programs that they wanted.

Of course, this isn't my project, but I think the idea has merit, too. Unfortunately, because it would (potentially) contain so many CABs, the RUU_signed.nbh file would be H-U-G-E.

Best regards,
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