Originally Posted by kcaegis45
I had to do hard reset.
Now I don't remember how to
1) disable the sound when windows start up.
2) disable the sound when the SENT TEXT MESAGE pops up. I don't won't to disable the message, just the sound.
I read this thread but I don't see it here.
Anyone have the reg tweaks for the two?
HKEY_Current_user\controlpanel\phoneextendfunction \CDMA\FlightModeOnOff
EnableSound = 0
also works on startup/shutdown tones
2- The regedit for this....
HKEY_Current_User\ControlPanel\Notifications\Defau lt
Wave = "\windows\alarm2.wav"
///Change it to whatever *.wav file you wish!
...will change/silence the text message sent sound if you still want the bubble.