Re: Stuck in an endless reset loop... Help Please
I kind of thought about that, so I took the phone apart (actually did this just after posting this thread) and there are no signs of any sort of water damage inside the unit. I really opened it up thinking that maybe it had been dropped or my friend was a little over zealous pushing the soft reset button, but there is nothing inside that would indicate any sort of physical damage and the soft reset switch rings out fine on the meter.
I hit everything pretty good with contact cleaner and reassembled the unit but it's still stuck in the loop.
The positive side is that I discovered how easily the case comes off the touch and am now contemplating switching to a colored case (am I really that bored?).
Anyway, I don't think physical damage is the issue here. I also think that it's very odd that the unit worked fine for the last couple of months while I've been playing with it and then it suddenly developed these issues after being activated on Sprint.
It could very well be that there was some sort of problem with the unit when I bought it, but I would have expected to run into the issue while I had it, and not have it only appear after having been placed back in service.