Stuck in an endless reset loop... Help Please
I've searched, but it would seem that I'm the only one with this problem...
My touch seems to have developed some serious issues. This isn't my regular phone, but rather one I picked up on craigslist just to play around with in my spare time (it was a good deal).
Anyway, I had been messing around with the Android package from over at the xda site (very very neat piece of software by the way, can't wait till it's actually functional), but hadn't done any real hacking or programing on it, just loaded up the package and explored the Android system. Then my friend's phone died so I offered him this touch to use while his was being replaced. In an effort to be nice I flashed the phone to WM6.1 (don't remember who's ROM I used at this point).
The flashing went fine, everything worked as usual, and my friend activated the phone on his account. Then after two or three days he said it had locked up on him and required a hard reset to get it going again. After that it started locking up a couple times a day so we decided that maybe there was a bug in the 6.1 ROM.
I reflashed the phone back to WM 6.0 using the official Sprint package found on this site (not the dump) and the phone again seemed to work fine.
Then after about 24 hours the phone locked up and required another hard reset. It continued to do this for about a week... once a day, locked up, hard reset and good for another day.
My friend was bringing the phone back to me to fiddle with it some more and it locked up on him again, he hard reset and now it's stuck in some kind of endless reset loop.
The phone will power up and vibrate, then the HTC logo comes up and then the phone resets and the process starts all over. It will continue to do that until you either pull out the battery or the battery goes dead.
You can interrupt the reset loop by hitting the soft reset button which <surprise> makes the phone reset (just a little bit sooner) as soon as it comes back up it goes back into the loop.
You can also do a hard reset during the loop. The hard reset runs to completion (or completed if you speak HTC) and then prompts for the send key to be pressed. Upon pressing the send key the phone resets and the loop starts over.
Boot loader is also accessible and I have tried unlocking and reflashing via the SD card. This seems to work (everything goes as expected) but once it's finished the phone goes right back into the loop.
The one advantage to the loop is that you don't have to use the soft reset key to get into boot loader or do a hard reset. Just hold the respective buttons and wait for it to reset itself and you're in.
I have had no luck getting the phone to connect to a computer via USB, either in boot loader or during the loop (the loop doesn't really last long enough for a connection to be established so this is no surprise).
So.... I think that's about it.
Anybody run into this before or have any suggestions for trying to fix it?