Originally Posted by up2no6ood
Just discovered this myself
If you dont use outlook go to
change usercannotcreate to 0 and it will remove outlook from the account picker
I found that you can delete the Outlook account completely by just deleting the activesync key. But remember, If you use Outlook on your desktop, your Contacts, Calendar, and Notes probably won't sync anymore. (i'm not sure about this.. haven't checked it yet)
If you don't care about that, then this might be a way to go.
Be sure to back up the key first just in case you need to restore it. Who knows, maybe your next employer will be rich enough to afford Exchange and the Engineers to maintain it. :}
Here is what mine looks like, just in case you fail/forget to save it.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Svc\Ac tiveSync]
"FriendlyName"="Outlook E-mail"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Svc\Ac tiveSync\MsgClasses]
The Secretary, will disavow any knowledge of your actions in the event you or any of your PPC Force were to get caught or kill your device.