Thread: FTP Issues
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Old 05-18-2008, 03:14 AM
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Can not upload large files to FTP(ROMS)

I am trying to upload a ROM that I created to my FTP folder and it will not allow me to upload some larger files such as a ROM. It is only 70 some megabytes and it just sits at "Loading" and never goes any further.

Any ideas?

EDIT:: Finally finished "loading"... Directory still empty. My ROM was never uploaded. I am tired of megaupload and rapidshare and would like to be able to upload my ROMs to the FTP.

Please any help will be appreciated.

EDIT>> Nevermind... Resolved my own issues. Turns out I had not set the permissions on my personal FTP folder to accept uploads from 3rd party FTP clients. All is well now.

Last edited by DHarvey; 05-18-2008 at 05:16 AM.
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