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Old 05-18-2008, 12:29 AM
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Re: Titan 3.49 Kitchen

Originally Posted by shaggylive View Post
basically anything that works on wm2003 does not work on the newest wm6.1, as all the OLD coding is finally gone!

I do think we need a sticky thread around somewhere to list apps that are working or have WIP.
I think the Kitchen "chefs" keep one so they can release "fixes" in the next update.

But with with 3 different devices (Apache, Titan, and Vogue) and so many base kits and so many OEMs... I'm sure they have more than enough on their plate.

Again, kudos to the kitchen team. I'll probably donate again once I reflash to the new 3.50 (but I might wait for the dust to settle a bit)
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