Originally Posted by Success100
it seems if i actually put htc home on the today scree.(not inside of UL) then i can out my city in, but if i put Htc home inside of UL, then only canadian cities show up ,and it will not let me search for my city. I have went thru HHC and loaded my city in there and it shows up, but once I put it back inside of UL, the same thing happens...any advice?
Make sure that on the weather tab in HTC home customizer in the database type: you have "default" selected and in the appreance tab you have "original" selected in weather. And when making any changes to HHC always uncheck Rltoday and UL from the list at the today settings. When done with HHC you go back and check them on again. Once you have that set, you can normally select the city from the weather screen without problems. Hope that helps.