Originally Posted by jramos402
Alright guys, I need help. This is what I get for not paying attention I guess. I had a mogul that was on Sprints OEM 3.35 rom. I was trying to downgrade to a lower version rom so I unlocked it using the 1.20 unlocker and flashed it using a 2.17 custom rom. Not a good idea!!!! When I turned it on, it would get stuck at the HTC splash screen before even displaying the red letters with radio version and all. I put the phone in bootloader (1.20.Olipro) and tried flashing the OEM 2.17 rom. Now the phone says "No radio" and gets stuck at the Windows Mobile screen. I dont have a card reader so I cant try using the nbh file using the storage card, Is there any other way to flash a radio on the phone or am I going to have to make the investment and buy one??
why did you try to downgrade? Put the phone in bootload by pressing the power camera and using the stylus to soft reset all the same time then load the sprint oem 3.35 and be done with it unless you wan to put a 3.xxxx custom rom on it