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Old 05-16-2008, 12:05 PM
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Re: Anyway to change the 30KB receive cap on email?

Originally Posted by strommsarnac View Post
I've searched around and can't find another post about this. Am hoping it's a reg entry. Any ideas? I'd like at least 200KB.

Also, what about changing the default of not displaying images, is there something to change that too?
This was taken from here....

You can setup e-mail with usercustomization and xml. In the following example the value "RETREIVE" is equal to the kb you want. A value of "-1" will download the whole message. Otherwise you have to change the setting in pocket outlook.

<characteristic type="EMAIL2"> 
<characteristic type="{414787bd-61f7-4635-b300-75413cfbf6ca}"> 
<parm name="SERVICENAME" value="" /> 
<parm name="SERVICETYPE" value="POP3" /> 
<parm name="INSERVER" value="" /> 
<parm name="OUTSERVER" value="" /> 
<parm name="NAME" value="" /> 
<parm name="REPLYADDR" value="" /> 
<parm name="AUTHNAME" value="" /> 
<parm name="AUTHSECRET" value="pass" /> 
<parm name="DOMAIN" value="" /> 
<parm name="AUTHREQUIRED" value="1" /> 
<parm name="LINGER" value="30" /> 
<parm name="RETRIEVE"value="2048" /> 
<parm name="KEEPMAX" value="0" /> 
<parm name="DWNDAY" value="7" /> 
<parm name="SMTPALTENABLED" value="0" /> 
<parm name="SMTPALTAUTHNAME" value="" /> 
<parm name="SMTPALTPASSWORD" value="" /> 
<parm name="SMTPALTDOMAIN" value="" /> 
<characteristic type="TAGPROPS"> 
<parm name="8128000B" value="0"/> 
<parm name="812C000B" value="0"/> 
</characteristic> </characteristic>
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!

Last edited by rstoyguy; 05-16-2008 at 12:07 PM.