Originally Posted by mpace3
Has any alltel users installed the GPS using the different roms. If so which did you use and the difficluty of using it. Any info would be helpful. I'm having some difficulty radio still says 3.37.10 after install of JD rom
Most of the custom ROMs and those cooked thru the kitchen are OS ROMS and do not affect nor updated the radio.
As an Alltel user, your best ROM would be the Alltel Official released ROM. As it updates everything required to use your unit correctly with Alltell.
As of now 3.37.10 radio is Alltel's radio.. Make sure your PRL and PRI are Alltel's as well. Also check your SID/NID and Roaming settings. On your Phone.
EDIT: (Use this information at your own discretion)
This is the Alltel Thread
This is a direct link to the ROM
This is HTC's FAQ on it