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Old 05-15-2008, 05:52 PM
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Anyway "wake up" my phone FASTER?

This little problem is starting to bother me more than it use too...

When I get an incomming call and my phone is "Asleep" the caller will hear on average 4 rings and at times as many as 5-6 rings BEFORE I hear the first ring tone. When the phone is "ON" I get my ring tone in as little as one ring for the more than Two. I have my ring tone set to the device and its a small LOUD ring tone so its not a "ring tone on the SD card issue" or to large a ring tone file. I also run next to NOTHING in the back ground... average 32 megs free program ram and about 27 meg storage... when I hit the power button to wake the phone it pops up in a blink... no lag at all.

I've watched my phone when getting a call... it will wake up I'd guess in the first maybe second ring for the caller... then it just kinda does nothing for about 2-3 seconds BEFORE I get the ring on my end.

I talked with Tech support and he said its just the way it is... I asked if adjusting my SLC would help and he said that adjusting my SLC would not help since it rings quickly when not asleep... if doing that will help I'll get my MSL and start tinkering The Tech did send me an update that he said MIGHT help... it didn't

ANyway... if anyone has a hack, program, what ever that will help that would be great.



Last edited by shultz; 05-15-2008 at 05:57 PM.
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