Originally Posted by Jeff Kirvin
Actually, the stock battery on the Mogul does get me through a full day. But then I'm using WM6.1 and a bunch of tweaks to save power. But even out of the box the Mogul lasts longer than the Apache. I'd hardly call it "dreadful."
Average usage for me, by 4:00 I was at 20%, which is the point where the phone won't even RING when it receives a call. There were times my phone literally died in the middle of a call, stranding me in some bad situation. I'd call that dreadful. And that was with all the tweaks. Had to go to the 3200 mAh battery to get around that.
The problem with the Mogul is that its battery life was inconsistent. Some users had great life, others had as much trouble as I did. And even I didn't always have that. Some days I'd get home from work with 60% remaining.