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Old 02-21-2007, 03:02 AM
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Word! Word! Word! Does that count as three votes?

Although I agree you should seek a consensus from the board (or at least the members who are actively involved in this effort), I would be very surprised if you don't see near unanimous support for your ideas. A fairly rigid structure to this system can only help us keep things straight, reduce duplication of work, and make it easier for everyone to see where we're at and where we're going at any given moment in time.

And I don't know how big of a job this is, but you should seek out volunteers you can delegate various tasks to if you would find it helpful. I'm sure there are users here who don't know so much about the ROM side of things but would like to contribute in other ways.

I really look forward to seeing what comes out of this. I'm glad we've got a few "natural born organizers" among us... because I'm someone who sees a ton of value in order, but just can never seem to get there. Judging from the discombobulated mess this forum has become, I gather I'm not the only one.