Originally Posted by elosogrande7076
dumb question...do u have to have to have an exsiting internet connection to log on with jive or will it create its own. i thought it will create its own but after a series of flashes its not doing it...just trying to see if it has that feature then something must be wrong with my ppc. im currently running no2chem's 5066 build. thanks
I noticed the same thing, I think. In the previous build, as soon as you launch the jivetalk app, it would activate the data connection automatically. But in this version,, it would not automate the data connection. I have to open a browser in order to get it active, then I can log in to it. I had actually just emailed Jivetalk support on this, but if anyone has another way of fixing it, please feel free to let some of us know. Thanks in advance. I am beginning to think that this is a common problem for more than just me.