Originally Posted by aryehz2
Thanks man! Yes, i am on OMJ. I will try the leaked ROM hopefully tonight. I've also heard even if you flash OMJ's over that one, it's better.
I have not used Build OS. I've only had the guts to flash 2 ROMs so far. Maybe I'll get up the guts  I'll kep you posted.
One question, is the Build OS used AFTER loading the leaked ROM or BEFORE?
You can edit any rom, just open it with the Build OS, I'm working on editing the leaked rom as we speak.
-checked my back end system and there is no news of any "official" vogue/touch updates.
& to the other guy who's scarred of me messing with their account, you know if I wanted I can do all sorts of things to people's accounts, buy phones on your account, add lines, whatever I like without your concent but the same goes for any sprint rep and yes we'll loose our jobs over crap like that because it's frawd, I don't want your ESN or your phone number, in fact I don't even care to know what model phone you are using, I'm simply trying to take what I found & help make it better, so please don't worry because if I wanted I'd be scamming people left and right but as I said, I wouldn't keep my job for long especially since sprint has been keeping a close eye on internal scams due to their stock plumeting.
Anyone else, please share your opinion, obviously negative opinions are appreciated too