Originally Posted by oceanisbleu
Are you running the OMJ ROM? because the only time I had that problem is when I ran the OMJ ROM, I'm currently on the leaked sprint ROM and have had no issues with the BT & ring tones changing, it seems GPS, the ring change & such issues are non-existant on the leaked rom so I'm going to try to cook up a ROM based on the Leaked ROM as it seems to be the most stable. I've also noticed that if you flash to a basic ROM then add the programs you like ie: (keyboards, hhc, etc.) the phone runs a bit more stable.
Also if you have not used Build OS, try it out, it's a great tool that allows you to change many things on most these roms, just load the file and make all the changes you like, pick the keyboard you want, add fixes as you please, so on & so forth....
Thanks man! Yes, i am on OMJ. I will try the leaked ROM hopefully tonight. I've also heard even if you flash OMJ's over that one, it's better.
I have not used Build OS. I've only had the guts to flash 2 ROMs so far. Maybe I'll get up the guts

I'll kep you posted.
One question, is the Build OS used AFTER loading the leaked ROM or BEFORE?