ok i did the latest rom... im still having the same problem i think... before i couldn't get the verizon apps to install... this time... i let the entire thing setup after the hard reset... still no #777 connection... however this time... i do have mms... before on the previous build i couldn't get anything to install.. but this time i do have mms... and i tried the settings someone posted for me about the #777... and i still wasn't able to connect to the network... im on verizon btw... another problem i was having with the previous rom was the sound would quit working for no apparent reason... i would silence my phone during classes... then id turn it back on.. it'd work for a bit... then all of a sudden just stop... have to do a soft reset to get it workin again... like i have my text messages play a ringer and vibrate... after it glitches it won't do either... any ideas? otherwize i love this rom! and the previous one... just minor bugs